marketing. social media. events.

Marketing can mean so many things to so many people. It truely is what you make of it. With the right approach your business can grow from strength to strength and achieve all improved sales, greater market presence and an impact on your market share to match the efforts of your company.

ProjectM can create you a strategic marketing plan to follow, and can also help deliver on that plan.

You choose how much we help and support you.

Do you dream of fulfilling your social media presence? Getting the right social strategy or even just getting started?

Social media can sometime feel a little bit daunting, where you are drowning in a world of # and the latest trending topics.  Keep up with the social frenzy with a little or a lot of input from ProjectM.

Lead the way… be ahead of the curve….. let’s GO VIRAL.

Who doesn’t like getting dressed up and going to an event? But, who actually enjoys organising the things?

Venues, caters, entertainment, guest lists, decorating, auctions, it can all feel like such a  hassle and causes you to not actually enjoy the event you have worked so tirelessly to host.

ProjectM will give you fresh ideas to match the clientele of your event and take all the ‘eventzilla’ moments from you.

"No missing pieces"